Moore, Geoffrey A.Crossing the ChasmMarketing and Selling Technology Project, Unterstützte Lesegerätegruppen: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
E-Book, HarperCollins (2009)Format: EPUB (Adobe DRM)
9,99 €
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Here is the bestselling guide that created a new game plan for marketing in high-tech industries. Crossing the Chasm has become the bible for bringing cutting-edge products to progressively larger markets. This edition provides new insights into the realities of high-tech marketing, with special emphasis on the Internet. It's essential reading for anyone with a stake in the world's most exciting marketplace.



Crossing the Chasm

Marketing and Selling Technology Project, Unterstützte Lesegerätegruppen: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet

Moore, Geoffrey A.

E-Book, 256 S.

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-13: 978-0-06-179586-2

Titelnr.: 49797966

Gewicht: 0 g

HarperCollins (2009)

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